March 10, 2017

New Sensu fans added

Hello and Welcome to,

We have stocked new design sensu folding fans.
Please visit sensu category of our shopping website.

Maiko Girl, Sakura, Pagoda


Wind God & Thunder God

Maple leaves


Mt Fuji

Mt Fuji (one side) & Sakura (another side)

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March 3, 2017

Nipponcraft's 6th Anniversary

Hello and Welcome to,

Today, 3 March 2017, is the Nipponcraft's 6th anniversary since the shop was opened on March 3rd, 2011. We appreciate customers' shopping and interests.

In Japan, March 3rd is a special day for little girls and is called "Hinamatsuri" (see also Wikipedia Families with daughters wish their healthy growth and happy lifetime with displaying dolls at home.

The following snapshots were taken at a "Hinamatsuri" event in Katsuura (勝浦), a fisherman's town facing to the Pacific Ocean. Katsuura is a 130 km drive from Tokyo. According to an event staff, approximately 6,000 Hinamatsuri dolls were displayed on the platforms. Old families from all over Japan contributed their dolls to the city for this event. Their daughters should have been grown happily, and the dolls' next role is to make visitors to the city happy.

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