July 2, 2011


Hello and Welcome to Nipponcraft.com,

It is getting very hot in Tokyo and the temperature is well over 30 degrees Celsius. Also it's very humid!
In this hot summer, I found globefishes swimming in a water tank in Shibuya, one of the largest shopping center in Tokyo.

This is not an aquarium.
As you see in the photo below, this water tank belongs to a restaurant that serves sake and fish dishes.

Yes, we eat globefishes in Japan! And they are relatively expensive.
The globefish has a poison and only the trained and certified chef is allowed to cook the fish.
The restaurant keeps these globefishes alive in the water tank and the chef takes one of them for cooking according to customer order.

The custom of keeping fishes alive in water tanks until cooked is quite common in Japan. This kind of water tank is called "Ikesu" (生簀) .

If you have a chance to visit Japan, please enjoy very fresh fishes preserved in Ikesu.

Thank you,
 - Ken