May 16, 2014

"Kokeshi" design noren added

Hello and Welcome to,

We have added three unique "Kokeshi" design noren curtains. "Kokeshi" are Japanese dolls made of wood and are mainly crafted in the northern part of Japan (the region called "Tohoku"). On these noren, "Kokeshi" of the Tohoku region are designed, and these noren are made at Naruko, Miyagi Prefecture.  Naruko ( is a popular destination for enjoying beautiful nature and hot spa ("onsen").
How about these unique noren for your room interior and also for gifting?

New Lineup
87 cm Wide x 100 cm Long,  Two Big Kokeshi 

85 cm Wide X 90 cm Long, Three cute Kokeshi

87 cm Wide x 100 cm Long, 30 craftsmen's Kokeshi works 

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